The Trip - Big Buzz

  • Reese basslines, rave piano, garage-y drums. What more could you need?
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  • Max van Dijk and Oliver Hiam started throwing events in London together back in 2013, eventually founding Tessellate, a go-to party (and now label) for those keen to catch the underground's most celebrated diggers like Evan Baggs and Sugar Free. But since the two started releasing music together as The Trip back in 2020, their sound has become a bit more down to earth. "Big Buzz," the lead track from their latest EP, UK Business, is less hand-wafting house and more gun-finger garage. Skippy drums and even skippier vocals open up the tune before the duo let loose a speed garage bassline. Carnage ensues for the next five minutes: rave piano lines, Reese bass and a vocal refrain asking, "Are you happy?" With a track like this the answer is, of course, "Yes."