Sound Not Scene with Leeroy Thornhill at BBQ, ZURICH

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  • Frankly, I'm not really a fan of break beats but I always keep an open mind when it comes to music. During a recent trip to Zurich, my friends brought me to club BBQ where ex Prodigy member, Leeroy Thornhill was the man for the night. Interestingly, I'd not heard him play at all in London and there I was in Switzerland to catch an English DJ's set. How ironic. I walked in close to 2am to a big room decorated with dim red lights that lent an intimate reddish-hue setting. There was even a Jacuzzi complete with water and bubbles – obviously for decorative purposes only! And what a great idea to have a spot where one could lounge on the cushions or even lie down to enjoy the music. Hanging over my jacket to the cloak room attendant, I then proceeded to the dance floor, where only a handful of Swiss were bopping to a warm up set by a DJ who's name I didn't know. Two tracks later and Leeroy Thornhill came on. I heard Coldplay, Annie Lennox's Little Bird, KOT's Finally and several other recognisable tracks in break beat version. It was actually quite a nice change. When Smack My Bitch Up was played, some people on the dance floor applauded and wolf whistles rang out. Still, I thought the clubbers really maintained a certain posture, there weren't many that really let loose. Maybe it's not the sort of music they enjoyed because I'd noticed people weren't really into it, only a selected few were seen dancing. Leeroy's set wasn't something to awe about either. He didn't do much on the decks and there were one or two mistakes made when mixing in tracks. He ended his set with Firestarter which caught everyone's attention – they must all know this tune because it was the only time that night I saw everyone on the dance floor dancing. Well, almost everyone anyway. My friends and I then decided to call it a night.