Dublin club Pygmalion waives door fees and collects donations for Gaza

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  • The pledge will continue until February 4th.
  • Dublin club Pygmalion waives door fees and collects donations for Gaza image
  • Dublin club Pygmalion is currently waiving door entry fees in exchange for donations supporting UNICEF's Gaza appeal. The pledge, which began last weekend, promises to cover every night at the venue until February 4th. Donations will be handled via QR code at the door, though they're not compulsory. Speaking to Resident Advisor, Pygmalion booker and resident Colin Perkins said the response from the community has been "mostly positive." The club, he added, has also teamed up with Doctors Without Borders "to allow our community to decide which charity they'd like to support." He continued: "Last year, Pygmalion partnered with local homeless charity, the Peter McVerry Trust, but given the current crisis in Gaza, we felt it was only right to send a little bit of support in that direction." Browse Instagram to find out more, and browse the event listings below for this weekend's programme.