New record shop HARK opens in Paris

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  • The shop's launch party featured an Ed Banger Records showcase.
  • New record shop HARK opens in Paris image
  • Paris has a new record shop. Located in the 11th arrondissement, HARK aims to stock a combination of second-hand and new records, covering all genres. It will also prioritise local artists, and its launch party last month featured an Ed Banger Records showcase. Located on the same block, a second HARK store is a hifi repair workshop. "The team at HARK is a mix of audio hifi nerds, record hunters, engineers and artist managers," said Louise Chen, one of the shop's founders. "We're all sincere and invested music lovers." Chen told Resident Advisor that she hopes HARK can be a space where the local scene thrives. "We'd love to eventually create a one stop shop for musicians, music lovers and young music-curious people alike," she said. "The collective experience and transmission are the two big things that we feel are missing from digital/streaming offerings, making it harder and harder to produce a new common generational sound and vocabulary." She continued: "Everywhere is in need of cultural spaces, to help each other out, building up new headliners and share resources with hungry younger generations that typically feel left out because of economical reasons. We're hoping to make all our pop culture knowledge and savoir-faire available to encourage curiosity, dialogue and exchange." See more photos of the shop.