Ableton presents Note, a new iOS app for writing music on the go

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  • Available now, the playable app includes a range of drum kits, synth sounds and melodic instruments.
  • Ableton presents Note, a new iOS app for writing music on the go image
  • Ableton has released Note, a new iOS app designed to help with the early stages of the music-making process. Available now for iPhone and iPad, Note includes a selection of Ableton Live's drum kits, synth sounds and melodic instruments, as well as effects such as reverb, delay and chorus-ensemble. Users can tap away on the 25-pad melody grid or piano roll, and make beats using the 16-pad percussion grid. They can also record up to 60 seconds of their own audio straight into the app's sampler. Finished ideas can either be transferred to Ableton Live via Ableton Cloud, or opened up in Note's Session View, which allows you to combine, duplicate and arrange your ideas before exporting and sharing the files. You can use eight tracks with up to eight clips each, on eight scenes. Find out more about Note in this video and via the website.
    Note is currently available from the App Store for €6.99 / $5.99 / £4.99.